Established in 2013 as an affiliated organization of Sosei International Patent Office(SATO&ASSOCIATE) based on the regional demand creation type entrepreneurship and business establishment promotion project. We have conducted research on the utilization of "intellectual property information" and aimed to develop original analysis methods. Through consulting, we support the development, intellectual property, and commercialization of startup companies, and contributes and publishes papers on the results.
Business Overview
1.Business Objectives
Through the utilization of intellectual property information, we support the "creation" of corporate R&D and the "success" of its business.
2. Description of business
(1) Investigation and analysis of intellectual property information and consulting based on such research
(2) Development of software for analyzing intellectual property information
(3) Provision of information on intellectual property , training, lectures, and publication
①Provision of intellectual property analysis services
We provide a service that analyzes "intellectual property information data" using a unique method and creates materials that visually indicate the "position in the industry", "importance", "fields in which patent rights can be obtained", etc. of technologies developed by companies and universities.
Based on the above materials, we will support the development, intellectual property, and commercialization of startup companies through consulting on future "development policy" and "utilization of intellectual property".
③Development of tools for intellectual property analysis methods
Research and develop new analysis tools and methods, and provide them for internal use and companies.
④Study Group Activities
Conduct research on the latest IP-related information by volunteers and publish the results.
"Visible Innovation Study Group"
SMBC Shinjuku Branch
Representative Director:
Tatsuhiko Sato
Chairman of Deloitte Tohmatsu Patent Attorneys Corporation. Patent attorney. Ph.D(Waseda University)
Director's Biography
Born in Fukushima Prefecture in 1946. Graduated from the Department of Industrial Chemistry at Fukushima National College of Technology in 1967. Graduated from Waseda University's First Faculty of Law in 1971. Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University in 2008. Registered as a patent attorney in 1973. In 2005, he served as the president of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association and realized the establishment of a nationwide branch. In 2007~2011, he was a member of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters of the Cabinet Office, and participated in the formulation of the IP promotion plan together with former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, former Prime Minister Taro Aso, former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, and former Prime Minister Naoto Kan. He was a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University from 2009~2016, and is currently a visiting professor at Higashi Nippon International University. Director of the Japan Venture Society.
Selected publications
"Gaining Competitive Advantage through Protection of Invention ", "Intellectual Property Notes: In the Flow of 40 Years", "Intellectual Property Power Changing the World", co-authored "International Patent Friction and Japan Selection", "New Commentary Patent Law", "Innovation in Japan", "10 Proposals for Startup Creation", etc. |
Company Name:
Zip code 251-0033
Kanagawa-ken Fujisawa Kataseyama 3-5-15
Founded in December 2013